The ZPE Project Group
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There are several layers related to consciousness and zero-point energy devices. The first is the very fundamental awareness that energy is a key component of how humans exist in the world. Energy is the food by which modern society exists. Yet the way we currently access electrical energy is through a means that is highly entrenched in the fabric of business, politics, and societal structure. It is self-limiting and damaging to the climate in terms of pollution, destruction of landscapes, and global warming. It also has been a tool that has been used to control populations and justify wars.

As such, the current energy paradigm is greatly tied to the ego part of human behavior and consciousness. It manifests a power dynamic of haves and have nots, a growing separation between those who control and benefit most financially from the current energy paradigm and those who consume it.

The very concept of “free energy” is a threat to the current paradigm and therefore to those who control it because it could ostensibly supplant and replace it. In order to moderate the reflexive response of those in control to prevent promulgation of free energy devices, the conscious awareness and acceptance of the vision of a much more balanced, healthier, happier world and people must occur.
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