The ZPE Project Group
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Our most valuable resource is our volunteers. By becoming a Member and volunteering your time and the benefit of your skills, whatever they may be, you can positively impact our work. Active membership provides myriad potential benefits, some obvious, others maybe not.

The list is too long, but here are some examples:

  • Technical team involvement - all areas of technical expertise are used in the process of investigating, building, testing, developing, documenting, and understanding potential ZPE devices
  • Sourcing parts and suppliers - specifications, quotes, contracts, management, coordination
  • Media production - video, audio, image, illustration, animation, related to documenting what we do, device and concept demonstrations, as well as painting a vision for the future
  • Preparing documentation - meeting minutes, informational pieces, test results, technical papers, background material
  • Artificial intelligence tool development - mission specific app development from document processing through model development and implementation
  • Communication - responses to email inquiries, slide presentation preparation/editing, publicity for social media platforms, news alerts, participation and monitoring communications and social media of sister groups, helping spread awareness of our Group and our work
  • Philosophy, social sciences, psychology, humanities - helping to understand the many personal and societal factors involved with the possibilities of disruptive change that availability of ZPE energy producing devices can bring, and to suggest ways to facilitate the inevitable changes in a positive way
  • Legal, policy - to determine, document and present in a simplified way the general and specific regulations and associated regulatory bodies from state to local levels, to priroritize the locations of easiest implementation of new energy technology, to support others in efforts to modify regulations to allow compliant integration of new energy sources
  • Consciousness development - enhancement of our Group consciousness and communications skills through the power of many, mission-specific consciousness skill development
  • Project and team management
  • Liaison, ambassador, champion - be an informed positive activist by actively engaging with others to help raise awareness, educate, and facilitate shifts, develop supporting documents/materials that others can use to be more effective, run a blog, give presentations at your local groups of interest
  • ***** (insert here the thing you are being called to do in this moment that can positively help our mission) - all things are possible

Learn more about our various Teams here.
To apply for free membership, please fill out our Membership Application, read and Agree to our Guidelines.

If you are one who receives downloads (information) related to ZPE devices that you feel directed to tell us about, we welcome your input. Please submit the information through our Information Submittal form. We have been very surprised and excited by the synchronicity and significance of submissions from people who have no technical background or understanding of what they are compelled to tell us. So, go follow your guidance and let us know what you intuit that is relevant to our cause.

If you have direct personal experience with over-unity ZPE device technology, we'd like to here about it. Please fill out our Technology Submission form.
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