One must understand that transformation of the world we live can be initiated by the availability of free energy, but the true transformation comes from the understanding and appreciation of the consciousness and quantum field from whence it comes.
This understanding and appreciation relates to higher consciousness associated with connecting to the universal consciousness of the quantum field. This is the repository and conduit of communication between all advanced species as well as the well of knowledge that transcends time. Some believe that this is the seat of our individual soul consciousnesses as well as shared consciousness. Although not able to connect as fully to this consciousness as more advanced species, humans are innately able to access so much more than we currently do. As we practice and improve our abilities to do so, a fundamental aspect is the realization that "we are all one" and that all the conflict and controversy we invent through the ego as individuals and tribes is meaningless and blocks us from the higher forms of consciousness, love, and happiness. As our levels of consciousness elevate, we will be able to more easily access the tools and information to more easily and effectively make use of energy from the vacuum.