Availability of credible free energy devices can catalyze the next stage of human development on earth as well as in consciousness. This will take time to manifest and integrate across the planet because of differences in the local environments and societal constructs in which people exist.
That being said there are exists many energy-intensive technologies that could be made cost effective and which could significantly improve health, well-being, and many societal issues very quickly after introduction of ZPE technologies. Here is a short list that I hope will stimulate you to imagine some that would be meaningful to you. It is through this visualization of the benefits that we can increase our collective consciousness to encourage development and practical implementation of ZPE devices.
- Drinking water access, desalinization, purification
- More food, higher quality – climate controlled growing environments, light, heat, cooling, harvesting, pest control, transportation, processing, refrigeration, fertilizer, preparation
- Pollution remediation – decontamination, detoxification, supercritical water oxidation for chemical decomposition, nuclear waste processing/containment, cost effective recovery of limited resources, chemical conversion/sequestration of excess CO<sub>2
- Waste Handling – supercritical water oxidation, accelerated composting
- Transportation – hydrocarbon and pollution free power
- Health – ZPE related healing devices, air conditioning, heat
- Construction – self powered machinery, ability to use energy intensive advanced materials
- Reduced Cost of Goods – lower cost of production and distribution
- Manufacturing choices – improved production of materials by processes that were previously constrained by energy costs
- Communication
- Shifts in consciousness, spirituality, service to and community with others…
- Improved worldwide educational systems