The ZPE Project Group
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Tesla was a unique and phenomenal person, especially in the context of the period in which he lived. He possessed a unique combination of creativity, engineering prowess, and the ability to conceptually visualize his inventions at both the component and integrated perspectives so he could fine tune his design concepts in his mind prior to actually building his prototypes to test.
This combination of the ability to conceive of new concepts, whether from extrapolation of prior knowledge, experience, intuition, or consciousness download AND then to be able to reduce those concepts to functional/practical use is rare.

Tesla was able to conceive and develop the practical means of generating and widely distributing alternating current electricity that mostly still used today. His forte certainly related to the various forms and uses of transformers in continuous and pulsed applications as well as motor and generator design.
Tesla also conceived of and tested other ideas of generating electricity from what we would now term free energy or zero-point energy sources. He also posited credible ideas on wireless transmission of energy for both communications and power uses, as well as laying the groundwork for scalar wave technology. Tesla proposed that two types of energy existed in the cosmos: scalar and electromagnetic energy. He believed that scalar energy was the primal force in the universe and could be released from the "ether" or vacuum of space through abrupt discharges of electrostatic potentials.
From thoughts as these, one must imagine that there is something significant beyond the three-dimensional space and linear time that is the tangible and measurable aspects of the world in which we live.

Tesla envisioned several groundbreaking applications for scalar wave technology:
·       Wireless energy transmission without the need for wires.
·       Use of scalar waves as a carrier for telecommunications, such as radio.
·       Powering vehicles through transmitters receiving scalar energy waves of energy transmitted remotely
·       As weapons
Unfortunately, despite the beneficial potential of these applications, use of scalar wave technology as weapons is likely the one that has seen most funding and implementation focus by unacknowledged special access programs of our and other governments across the world.
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