The ZPE Project Group
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What is Zero-Point Energy?

Zero-point is a term related to quantum physics and the quantum field. It refers to an environment that is a duality of absolute nothing and everything at the same time. The "zero point" is the interface between our 3D physical paradigm and the quantum field. It is through this interface that we access the quantum field. ZPE devices are tools to access, interact with, and tease out (borrow) usable forms of energy from this infinite potential source which is the quantum field.

There is a belief by those in the ZPE research field that everything came from the quantum field, hence the essence of all possible things must exist within the quantum field. The premise is that there is a stepping down (down levelling) in dimensions and frequencies from the “all” contained within the quantum field to what we experience and use here as humans on earth – where we physically exist and can touch/feel/measure within our current human physical paradigm of 3D space + linear time.  All other “levels” or “realms” or “dimensions” exist simultaneously, each with their own set of frequencies, characteristics, and perhaps even different time constructs than what we experience. Different ZPE device approaches use different means to reach into the quantum field through these concurrent constructs to access and capture usable power.


There is a consensus by those in the field that the ability to tap the quantum field for zero-point energy is highly tied to consciousness. Certainly it is true that most of the greatest advances in the field have been achieved by “guidance” that comes in the form of intuition and spontaneous realizations that fall in the category of “communications” or “downloads”. The belief is that there is a universal consciousness within which we participate as unique souls, but which, in many respects, is limited by our human construct - we only have access to a subset or limited range. Some humans  can (all potentially can) access more than the primary consciousness levels and basic intellectual reasoning. These "extrasensory" abilities (often categorized as “siddhis”) include things like clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, astral travel, remote viewing, mediumship, etc. You may have experienced some of these yourself or know someone who has. These siddhis can tap into different planes of consciousness. These other planes or dimensions are often termed “realms” and are given labels like “astral”, “cosmic” (extraterrestrial based), “spiritual” (ascended masters), “etheric” … etc.  All of these constructs and labels reflect the premise that there are different types/levels/frequencies of consciousness that are “more than” what we experience at our base human levels.

It is believed that extraterrestrials who are millions of years more advanced than the human species are able to access many more levels of consciousness as part of their base set of capabilities. This allows them to access the quantum field regularly through their consciousness, which then allows them to extract and transform energy in usable ways. This ability theoretically allows them to create matter, build things from thought, control their machines through thought,  and to communicate/connect with other conscious beings independent of space and sometimes time.

There are those who believe that some forms of working ZPE devices will require an aspect of embedded consciousness in order for them to work. One of the roles of our consciousness and meditation team is to discuss, research, and assist the effort to understand and implement this aspect in the event this is true. Another role of the team is to enhance our individual and collective consciousness to facilitate downloads and communications related to our mission.
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